Geography Quiz
April 2024
Geography Quiz. This website was intended to teach about country facts. The frontend was made in HTML and Javascript. The globe was from a library. The backend was written in Javascript and used express, node, and Docker, and was deployed on Google Cloud Run. The map data was processed with Google Sheets, Python notebook, pandas, and json.
Spatial Poisson Point Process
Feb 2020
This project was originally a demo that I made as an illustration for the Poisson Point Process Wikipedia page. This live demo is intended to demonstrate the statistical trend of randomly distributed points to occur in certain areas following a Poisson distribution. The trend typically gets more visible with more points, as a result of the law of large numbers, and maybe also the central limit theorem. This was made in Typescript, Javascript, and HTML, and used the Plotly plotting library.
India population and crop price analysis and prediction
Jul 2019
This was a small exploratory data analysis analysis python notebook I did to learn pandas, sklearn, matplotlib, numpy, and scipy. I read about the plight of India's farmers in the news, and felt bad for them. I decided to do a short analysis of india's population and crop data. Based on "wheat prices" Google Search dataset from Google trends (accessed using Google Drive API) and World Bank Public Health dataset from BigQuery (accessed via SQL).
Recipe Suggestion App
April 2018
Recipe Suggestion App using Bayesian Classifier & Machine Learning in Django and hosted using Amazon Web Service. Front end in Java and XML for Android. Written at UCLA Hackathon with 2 other programmers. Reads in what cooking ingredients you have, and uses machine learning to suggest a recipe from these ingredients. Worked on the Bayesian classifier recipe suggestions in Python, and the front end web page and received the JSON recipes data in JavaScript.
Network Protocol Implementation
Network Protocol Implementation in TinyOS. Written as part of UC Merced's Computer Networks class. Written alone with a partner, in nesC. Defines behavior of several nodes in a simulated network. Implements many node behaviors, including stochastic neighbor discovery, packet flooding, Link State routing, congestion control/reliable data streams with TCP/IP, and a chat client/server model.
Bitcoin Mining Client-Server Puzzle
Proof of Work System to protect busy servers from DDOS attacks by calculating double SHA-256 hashes to mine bitcoins. Written at UCLA Hackathon with 3 other programmers. Built the front-end webpage that calculates the hashes to find a hash that ends with a certain amount of 0's. Client side in JavaScript and server-side in Python's Django Framework.
Drone Tracker Map
Drone Tracker Map: Created a webpage for UC Merced MESA Lab to map drone sensor data (location, altitude, CH4 concentration, explored areas) and indicate position of drone, and satellite imagery, to detect CH4 pipeline leaks. Overlaid fog of war on satellite image to indicate where drone has explored. Written in JavaScript for Google Maps API.
Titanic Kaggle Competition
Used Binary Logistic Regression to predict the survival of passengers on the Titanic based on their attributes with 80% accuracy. Worked alone in Python.
Tactics to Solve most Ordinary Differential Equations
Compiled a list of methods to solve differential equations. Used Google Docs.
Webpage (exported from Google Doc)
Eigenvalue Analysis Tool
Eigenvalue Analysis Tool: Utility to solve/plot phase portraits of 2 by 2 first order systems of differential equations. Project in Python 3.5's Numpy, Scipy, and Matplotlib libraries. Worked alone. Built for a UC Merced Applied Math Professor.
Dec 2018
Desktop game to play with fractals and teach about the math behind attractor systems. Windows Subsystem For Linux desktop App using OpenGL, Glut, and math. Inspired by Numberphile. Built for CSE 165 Object Oriented Programming class at UC Merced.
Finance Accounting Manager
Windows Desktop App to manage accounting for Spinardi & Jones Consulting. Organizes company programs, fiscal years, and deadlines. Worked alone. Written in C# and data stored in XML.